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Discover How Dom Went From Almost Falling For Internet Scams To Making $8,000p/m From Niche Sites

I think you’ll agree with me when I say:

Making money online is not easy.

Or is it?

Well it turns out that you can make thousands by picking the right niche and solving the main problems that the audience may have…

In this post, we’re going to learn from Dom Wells, who went from making zero and failing at his first website, to finding a problem that needed a solution and is now making nearly $8,000 monthly.

It isn’t a secret that Dom had to experience a few failures before seeing any success.

As simple as it may seem, he learned through making mistakes.

You’ll discover how you can replicate success through his story.

This is just one of the many NicheHacks success stories you can read and learn from.

But don’t just read, take action and implement what you learn!

Let’s do this…

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Introduction To Your Success Story

My name’s Dom Wells and I own HumanProofDesigns.

We create niche websites for aspiring affiliate marketers, and teach those who just don’t know how to get started.

You can find me over at HumanProofDesigns.

1. How did you get started with online marketing and how far have you come since then?

I was actually planning to get started “online” by following some of the methods in Tim Ferris’ 4-hour Workweek book.

He briefly mentions affiliate marketing as a way of supplementing a main income, but didn’t recommend it as the sole business model.

Later, I came across one of those really obvious “Post links in Google” scams, and I Googled it to see what people were saying about it.

I knew it was a scam, but couldn’t figure out why it still existed online.

If you’re looking to avoid scams, consider a ScamFighter.

I came across a website where somebody was explaining it was a scam, and they recommended a short email course to anyone who really wanted to learn how to make money online.

I signed up, and that led me to discover affiliate marketing.

This was back in September 2012.

I have to say I struggled at first (don’t we all) and it wasn’t until May 2014 that I did my first $1,000 months consistently.

Since then, I’ve gone on to earn a lot more money, and am looking to hit $10,000 a month this year.

Once you realize that this is real and you can succeed, things move on quite quickly.

2. Often friends and family don’t “get” this whole online marketing thing. How do yours feel about it and how did they react when you first told them your plans?

I didn’t tell them until I was already doing it.

I was involved with an MLM in 2009-12, so I had kind of experienced already what friends and family thought of my “ventures”.

This time, I just got on with it and kept it to myself.

I figured they would only criticize me or await my next failure, and I didn’t really need that kind of negativity.

Ironically enough, now that I am making a solid income online, I still don’t tell everybody what I do and I definitely don’t tell them how much I earn, because they’ll think I’m bragging!

I just tell them “I do OK”, if they ask how it’s going.

3. What was your first ever website or niche?

“How to stop smoking”.

Obviously it was too competitive and I failed miserably.

Back then I thought you should just recommend one product or method as well, so I was recommending a stop smoking book that I’d succeeded in quitting with.

Talk about limiting myself in an already tight niche.

4. If you had to give 1 piece of advice to someone new to the online marketing world what would it be?

You’re going to have to talk yourself out of quitting many times.

No matter how many people tell you “Just keep going” or “It will be hard at first, but you can succeed”, you won’t be prepared for those nights and mornings where you lie in bed wondering if it’s worth it.

Accept these doubts when they come, and save up your minor successes into your confidence bank.

Completed a page on your website?

Great! One step closer.

5. When choosing a niche follow passion or money?

I struggle with this question. I think too many people make bad decisions because they are trying to answer this.

Niche selection is difficult enough, without people asking themselves if they are passionate about it.

Besides, if something makes you money, it soon becomes your passion, but if your passion doesn’t make you any money, do you stay passionate about it?

Honestly I think you should instead follow the problem. Is there a problem that you can solve?

Can you beat the existing websites?

Is there enough demand?

Do you have enough interest to maybe one day become passionate about it?

Think of passion as a bonus, rather than the be-all-end-all in niche selection.

6. One of the most common questions I’m asked by my audience is “How do I get started?” What would you advise them?

Buy one of my websites! Just kidding.

The ONLY way to get started is to just do it.

You won’t be perfectly prepared, and it’s impossible to learn everything in advance.

Owning a website and trying to succeed with it for 3 months will teach you far more than studying and preparing for 3 years.

Honestly, it’s very much a “learn by doing” business.

Start out by choosing a niche.

Stuart has plenty of advice on how to do that, and he even feeds you niches on a silver platter, so study his niche reports and you’ll learn how to analyze niches and make decisions about them.

Here’s the kicker:

You’ll probably fail with your first site anyway, so don’t worry too much about the niche. Just get something out there.

7. If you lost everything (money, contacts, traffic, websites etc) and had to start over from scratch knowing what you know now with a $100 budget what would your plan be?

As long as I could keep the skills I already learned, I don’t think I’d even need $100 to be honest.

If I were to start again, I’d probably move into client/local SEO work.

I’d follow some of the things that ViperChill has been teaching, and position myself as an expert in a particular niche (such as Dentists), and create a website about that.

I’d likely write an eBook or email course teaching them how to improve their SEO and online presence, then I’d use the $100 on Facebook Ads to drive traffic to my website, and get signups.

Sooner or later, one of those people would hire me to do their SEO, and it would go from there.

Even if I didn’t have $100, I reckon I could still send enough emails and make enough phone calls to get a client, even if it meant doing the first month for free.

8. What would be your best tips for finding a profitable niche, creating the site and content, getting traffic and getting sales?

Wow, good question, and hard to answer.

I think people struggle with finding a niche the most, simply because they can’t visualize it or they haven’t seen it before.

My tips would be to read other websites, particularly case studies, and look at other profitable sites, and see how they are succeeding.

You’ll start to notice patterns.

The same goes for getting traffic.

You’ll notice that people are guest blogging in their community, or active in certain forums, and you’ll know how to get people from those places to your site.

Like Stuart always says, find out where your audience hangs out online.

Creating the site itself is easy, but you need to learn WordPress.

It’s hands down the best software to use, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise, no matter how proud of their Joomla or HTML skills they might be.

Always strive to improve your website.

Learn how to make boxes, opt-ins, and grow your list.

Read, read, and read some more.

The more time you spend on websites like NicheHacks, the more you’ll learn and grow.

This HAS to become your new passion and hobby.

As for getting sales, my number one tip would be to stop pushing or forcing them.

Just recommend good products and offers as if you were recommending a restaurant to a friend.

10. You run HumanProofDesigns, a blog that focuses a lot on “niche marketing” and you also sell done for you niche sites which makes a substantial amount of your income.

Can you share how you got started with both your blog and selling niche sites? How much money you make from each? And how someone looking to do something similar could get started?

I spent a lot of time browsing Flippa when I was new.

I wanted to see if I could buy established sites, or see if I could sell my own sites.

One thing I noticed was that there was A LOT of junk on Flippa.

Too many people were creating turnkey sites that would never make any money, and people were buying them on false promises and hope.

I thought “Well, if I could produce something quality instead, that would be awesome”.

So that’s what I did.

I actually stopped selling on Flippa though, because I didn’t want to be associated with all the scammers and junk sellers. Plus, I can control everything about my business, which is much better.

Last month I earned just shy of $8,000 USD (profit), and the majority of that came from the blog or from our website services.

If someone wanted to get started, well, they’d first need to learn how to actually create websites that are better than what the average person can do.

After that, they’d want to start growing an audience, because not many people buy from you unless you trust you.

I’m actually working on a white-label program, so it’s possible that someone could just re-sell my services, which would be a good option for many.

11. Was there any particular advice or posts you read on NicheHacks that has inspired or directly helped you achieve something? What was it and what did you achieve from it?

The very first post I read was a niche “hack” of the Cricket niche.

This showed me how to properly analyze, and sell, a niche so that my audience would fully understand the niche sites I was offering.

I also remember a “fun” World Cup link bait post that Stuart did which inspired me to do my own. Back when my blog was new and young, a couple of linkbait posts like that helped me get my name out there and start making connections.

Essentially though, the NicheHacks posts in general show me how I should run a blog. So it’s not just the content itself, but how it’s produced and how the blog is run that has taught me a lot.

12. What are you currently working on and what are your plans for the future?

I’m currently working on growing HPD and improving the customer experience.

Ideally by the end of the year I’d like to see $10,000 a month in profit, as well as smoother processes, better customer experiences, and a more solid system overall.

In the future I would like to have more time for other projects, such as the local/client SEO method I mentioned earlier. I just need more time, and HPD running better by itself.

I think we have the potential to grow more into an agency and less a blog that relies on one single person.

Key Takeaways

I hope you’ve been inspired to take some action and implement the things you’ve learned here.

Even though Dom has failed with his very first niche, he did not give up and he noted of what did work.

The key takeaways from this post are:

  • Take action. Nothing happens if you keep reading and not implement anything you’ve learned
  • Just pick a niche. You will be passionate about it if you are making money and seeing success from it.
  • Observe successful sites. You will see a pattern and you’ll see what they are succeeding at.
  • Small steps. You can’t be perfect, do one thing at a time and take small steps.
  • “Learn by doing”. Lessons will be learned when you make mistakes.
  • Overcome doubts. You will talk yourself to quit but overcome those doubts by implementing what works for your website
  • If Dom can fail and then succeed, then there’s no reason why you can’t see success either.

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Wrapping Things Up

This hopefully has inspired you to start taking action.

Dom has seen failure but still pulled through with full confidence that he could see success.

If he can do it why can’t you?

Consider what you see in the niche you’re interested in, or what you see when you browse through your favorite websites.

Observe what works for them and try to see a pattern.

The first step to success is actually implementing what you’ve learned.

What are you waiting for?

Check out the other success stories.

Leave your comments below to tell us what you learned and what your plan of action is…


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