Is Your Content Original or Stolen – Quick Ways to Find Out in 2025

Do you know what the backbone of digital assets is? Yes, it is the content that you are publishing on your website or blog. Without writing properly, you will never be able to engage the audience with your platform and earn money. The more original your content is, the better you will rank on Google. In this article, we will show you how to check if your content is original or stolen.
Every person wants to get ranked in the top results of Google to get more exposure from the audience. It is not an easy task as it seems to be because you have to keep multiple factors in your mind.
One of the most important things that you have to notice in this regard is the uniqueness of your work. Without being creative or unique, you can’t even imagine standing in the top positions of Google for a long time.
It will obviously take DMCA actions against your site and will push its rank lower. So, you must have to make sure that your content is unique.
Why do you need to check whether your content is original or stolen?
First of all, it is important to know why you have to perform this check. It is a common question that pops up in the mind of almost every writer. The reason is many writers think that no one has enough time to take copyright strikes on their copied content.
This statement might be right in some aspects. But keep in mind that Google hates plagiarism or duplication. It will never let your copied content stand on the top positions of the search engine.
According to experts, plagiarism is the biggest threat to a website’s rank. Secondly, you will not be able to engage the audience with stolen or copied content. If your readers have found you copying text from others, it will damage the credibility of your website badly.
Such activities will not let you grow your business smoothly and get long-term
engagement. There are many other reasons that can be discussed here to
encourage you to check the uniqueness of your articles.
In short, you must have to do some effort and check whether the content is
original or not before publishing. If we say that you must have to keep checking this even after publication, it might be right.
The main question is how to check this or perform this check. For this task, we have written the procedure that you have to follow.
How to check if your content is unique?
We all know that millions of articles are published daily on the internet. Due to
this, no one can check manually the uniqueness of his work. It is impossible to
do by a team of people because they don’t know where to check and which blogs they have to read.
To deal with this problem, you must have to be smart and use a plagiarism checker. This type of tool is designed with a specific database to compare the given text with all published documents.
A plagiarism checker will do a deep comparison of your work with millions of
books, blogs, and articles. As a result, it will display all those sources from
which it has found matches with your content. The tool will also display the
lines that it has caught copied.
So, you ca easily check those sources and eliminate or rewrite those lines as per the requirements. To use a plagiarism checker, you only have to understand the interface of the tool.
Normally, such tools are designed with a user-friendly interface that enables you to input the text and then tap on the button to check for plagiarism.

With its fast working feature, it will perform a thorough comparison and show you what you are looking for.

Will it be harmful to my website if someone has copied my content?
In simple words, the answer is yes, it would be harmful to your website too. No
doubt, Google is smart enough to get your queries and display results from its
But the crawlers of the search engine are not capable enough to distinguish between previously published content and copied content. In turn, it will push the rank of both websites without any discrimination.
In short, you also have to face consequences if some other website is copying your content. But you can take DMCA to ask the website owner to take down that article. In turn, you will be able to save your website’s rank or progress.
For this task, you only have to keep checking your content with a plagiarism checker from time to time. In turn, you will be able to know about all those culprits who have copied your work without your permission.
Final Wrapping
As we have mentioned how to check the originality of your work, you need to perform this check at any cost. Without doing this, you will not be able to make sure that your website is going to rank higher.
you may have to face business loss by getting less engagement from the users.
All in all, you must have to check quickly the uniqueness of your content
before as well as after publishing it on the internet