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Learn Niche Marketing from Donald Trump: 8 Powerful Lessons from the 2016 Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump and niche marketing? You gotta be kidding me!

I know that’s what you’re thinking.

Like him or not (I don’t), Donald Trump has made the race for White House much more interesting.

He has attracted support and criticism from all corners of the country and has caused the kind of polarization that’s not often seen in American politics.

But why should I be talking about him here on NicheHacks?

Because, even if you don’t like him, there’s a LOT you can learn from his run for the Republican nomination.

Yes you can learn niche marketing from Trump.

Look closely.

As a niche marketer, you’re directly or indirectly selling products all the time. You create content to convince people about the usefulness of the products you’re promoting.

That’s exactly what presidential candidates and politicians do as well. They sell ideas and dreams and convince people about the usefulness of their policies.

When Trump started his campaign, he was not even an outsider. He was mocked, ridiculed and wasn’t considered a serious contender.

He was a newbie in the politics niche.

(See more niche research posts here)

But he powered his way to the top of the republican polls and, as I write these lines, has just won the Hawaii caucus to further his claim for the Republican nomination.

It’s fair to say he’s making a lot of people uncomfortable both in the Republican and Democratic parties.

No matter whose side you’re on, you can’t ignore Donald Trump.

Here’s what you can learn from his campaign so far, and apply it to your niche marketing business

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What You'll Learn in this Post

  • How to be regarded as an expert in a new niche

  • Why you don't need to worry about people outside your niche

  • How to stand out from your competition and get noticed

  • The secret to earning big money using low-priced products

1. Know Your Audience To Create the Right Strategy

Trump knows his audience very well. He owns a huge business empire and is aware of the importance of in-depth market research.

He has identified the issues of his potential voters and shaped his campaign accordingly. His objective is to get his audience take action and vote for him. And he knows exactly how to motivate them to do so.

As a niche marketer, this is one of the first things you need to do when entering a new niche. You need to understand exactly who you’re targeting, how you can provide them value with your content and make them take action.

In simple words, you need to do some market research and know your audience as much as you can.

You don’t want to end up creating lots of content in a niche that has no buyers, or create the wrong content that has no appeal to your potential buyers.

Action Items:

  • Thoroughly research your niche before investing time and money in a full-scale niche marketing business.

  • Create accurate buyer personas, understand your audience and create content that resonates with them.

"Know what your customers want most and what your company does best. Focus on where those two meet." ~ Kevin Stirtz 

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2. Focus on Your Niche and Don’t Try to Please Everyone

I don’t like Donald Trump. I think he’s arrogant, he promotes hate and he discriminates people on the basis of religion and race.

But that’s just my opinion.

Does he care what I think?

Hell no!

He doesn’t care because I don’t fall in his niche. I’m not his target market so my opinion doesn’t hold any value for him.

That is exactly what you need to do as a niche marketer.

In fact, the whole idea behind niche marketing is to pick one very specific niche, identify its needs, and create content that makes people take action.

If your niche site is about kitchen appliances, you don’t write about the latest Google search algorithms.

Why? Because your audience doesn’t care about it and the topic holds zero value for your business.

So people like me can ridicule and criticize Trump as much as we want, but it won’t stop him from winning the Republican nomination race because his niche is right behind him.

Action Items:

  • Identify the topics that resonate with your audience using BuzzSumo, and create laser-focused content for your target market.

3. Create a Benefit Driven Niche Marketing Strategy To Win Customers

One of the biggest problems facing an average American citizen since the 2008 recession is financial security and well-being.

This includes everything from job security and health coverage to old age benefits and taxes.

These are the things that directly impact a common citizen.

By focusing his message and his campaign on the welfare and well-being of the common people, Trump has gained a lot of support from the people who believe their current government isn’t doing enough for them.

The punchline of Trump’s campaign “Make America Great Again!” signifies exactly that.

As a niche marketer, you need to design your marketing strategy around the benefits of your products or services.

For example, if you’re running a micro niche site or a product review site, don’t create content that only discusses product features and price tags.

Rather, tell your readers exactly how those features can solve their problem and fulfill their needs.

This is why expert SEOs optimize their content on the customer needs and problems, instead of product features only.

The same rule applies to paid marketing channels like Facebook and Google Ads. For example, NicheHacks Facebook Group member Mohammed EL Khiyati regularly shares case studies of high-performing Facebook ads.

Most of them are focused on the core benefits of the product, not just the features.

Identify the real need behind your products and use your marketing strategy to highlight the key benefits of your product.

Action Items:

  • Review your current marketing content and increase your focus on highlighting the benefits.

  • Visit industry specific forums or run surveys on your audience to identify their real needs

4. Be Anything But Boring If You Want To Stay in the Game

How many times did you stop and listen to Jeb Bush or Ben Carson during the Republican debates? How many of their statements do you remember?

I don’t know about you, but I remember none.

But what about Trump?

I can easily recall more than a dozen incidents, speeches or remarks from his campaign.

What does that tell you about marketing?

Right from the start of his campaign, Donald Trump has said some outrageous and even disrespectful things about different people and communities.

In one of his speeches, he termed all Mexicans as criminals and called for a complete ban on Muslim immigrants. He even made fun of a disabled reporter.

But none of that affected the approval rating among his supporters, his niche. In fact, if anything, such remarks only earned him even more free air time and publicity.

In marketing terms, his content stands out from the crowd and makes people take notice. And that is precisely why his supporters love him.

As a niche marketer, if you copy and recycle the same content that everyone else is creating, no one will take notice.

You need to be unique and, more importantly, create the kind of content people love reading and sharing.

Action Items:

  • Add personality to your content, write in a conversational tone and add a bit of humor because you can’t afford to be boring.

5. Don’t Wait for Others to Knight You as an Expert – Knight Yourself!

Donald Trump is not a politician, and none of his competitors considered him a serious threat when he started campaigning.

He was a newbie no one was willing to take seriously.

But he’s managed to carve out a niche for himself and has a loyal fan base. As a result, he’s killing it in the Republican nomination race and has established himself as a serious candidate.

He didn’t wait for anyone to knight him as an expert. Instead, he knighted himself and it seems to be working well.

This is exactly what you need to do when you enter a new niche.

You need to establish yourself as an expert so that people trust your recommended products and willingly buy from you.

And how do you do that?

By putting yourself out there and creating high-quality content in your niche. Instead of waiting for people to label you as an expert, do it yourself.

This is exactly the strategy that Glen Alsop (ViperChill) has used and established industry-specific digital marketing agencies in dozens of niches.

Action Items:

  • Focus on creating a strong brand image on your niche site.

  • Write in-depth and detailed content using lots of snapshots and data references.

  • Fake it till you make it.

"As the millionaire consulting coach Alan Weiss would say, people feel like they need someone to ‘knight them’ before they can provide value to others. I’m telling you to knight yourself" – Glen Alsop 

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6. Use Social Media To Keep Your Audience Engaged

Every presidential candidate holds press conferences and invests heavily in advertising.

In fact, this particular Republican nomination campaign has seen unprecedented amounts of money being invested into television and radio advertising.

But Trump has gone one step ahead of his competitors.

He has used social media, Twitter in particular, much more effectively than any other republican or Democratic candidates.

He’s run Q&A sessions, connected with his niche and even mocked his competitors openly in his Tweets. Most importantly, he understands how to create viral content.

Social media is important, even if you’re creating a niche site for affiliate marketing.

You need to connect with your target audience, build conversations with them and win their trust. You need to approach social media scientifically .

And it’s not just about sharing your content all the time. Social media is about being social with your network and connecting with them regularly.

Action Items:

  • Build a full-fledged social media strategy for your niche marketing business. NicheHacks has a lot of great advice on doing that.

  • Build your email list and keep your audience engaged.

7. Build Your Audience With a Compelling Offer and Use Upsells to Earn Big

Even some of the most die-hard Trump fans don’t agree with everything he says. Many of them have reservations about his opinion on women, minorities, and several other matters.

But they still support him.

A major reason for that is Trump’s sales strategy.

Just like a smart internet marketer, he didn’t pitch the hard to sell ideas upfront. Instead, he targeted the lowest hanging fruits and got people on board.

He pitched them the dream of a great America.

Once they joined him and started listening to him, he voiced his opinion on some of the more controversial subjects.

This is exactly how smart niche marketers use upsells and down sells as well.

If you ever wondered why every life changing product on JVZoo or Warrior Plus costs between $7 and $9, you need to understand this concept.

The $7 -$9 products are there to get people on board. They’re like freebies that help you attract relevant subscribers.

The real sale comes after that.

That’s where marketers use customized products, software updates and consultancy packages as upsells that make them millions.

Action Item:

  • Offer freebies and low priced product to build your email list.

  • Use autoresponder campaigns to pitch upsells

  • Stay in touch with your subscribers to keep the sales rolling

8. Build the Right Partnerships to Grow Your Business

No presidential candidate can go all the way without building the right partnerships and getting endorsements from influencers.

Right from the start of his campaign, Trump has involved different celebrities, businessmen and influential figures to show support for his campaign.

More recently, his Republican colleagues Chris Christie and Ben Carson also announced their support for Trump.

The lesson is simple – if you want to succeed in a new niche, you need to build the right connections.

This is why influencer outreach and networking is so crucial to the success of your niche marketing strategy.

If you know the right people and they openly back what you say, a LOT more people will listen to you and trust your advice.

Action Items:

  • Identify influencers in your niche using BuzzSumo or Ahrefs.

  • Develop and follow a comprehensive outreach strategy from the first day you enter a new niche.

"It's not about what you know. It's about who you know that matters more"

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Trump Must Be Doing Something Right!

Smart marketers are ready to learn from anyone who can benefit their business.

Personally, I’m not a supporter of Donald Trump.

But I think you can apply many of his strategies to your niche marketing business.

You can’t deny that his campaign has been very effective so far. He’s competing with some really smart people and outshining them every time.

So he must be doing something right.

Tell me why you think Donald Trump has been able to generate so much momentum in his campaign and what other things we can learn from his marketing strategy in the comments below…

Oh and what did you learn about niche marketing from Donald Trump? 🙂


Wait! ✋

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